Monday, July 20, 2009

Detox Day 8 - Loopholes?

I have a real sweet tooth and I just love to bake, so eliminating baked goods from my diet has been the challenge of the century and I've been looking all week for a recipe that satisfies my baking and eating urges while still staying within my guidelines of no gluten and no sugar (as well as no alcohol, animal products, or caffeine).

This weekend, I found it. It's in the 1983 book Uprisings, a collection of recipes from the Cooperative Whole Grain Educational Association to which my beloved Wildflour Bakery -- Ann Arbor's co-op bakery during my college years -- belonged. Wildflour's recipe for fruit bars -- being wheat-free, dairyless, and, with a little tweaking, sugar-free -- fit my diet.

I made my bars with fresh peaches, but you can also use blueberry, cherry, apple, or dried fruit. While they definitely filled my need to bake and to eat something sweet, I'm torn over whether I've abandoned the spirit of the cleanse. As I grapple with my conscience, have a look at the recipe.

Fruit Bars

Mix well:
7/8 cup soy margarine
1/2 cup honey (I used agave nectar)

3 cups oats
2 3/8 cups oat flour

Divide mixture in half. Reserve 1/2 for the topping, and press 1/2 firmly into a greased 8x8" pan.

On low heat, cook down 2 1/2 pounds diced peaches with 3/4 cup water. Drain 3/4 cup juice and cool. To the liquid, add 1/4 cup arrowroot and mix well. Add liquid and 1/4 cup honey (I used agave) to the fruit and bring to a boil. Keep fruit boiling and stir constantly. It will be cloudy and thick. When the mixture becomes clear, turn off the heat.

Spread filling over the bottom crust and press remaining crust on top. Bake at 350F until golden, 20 - 30 minutes.

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